Since the countdown to the big day is less then two months now all my free time is being consumed with finishing all my DIYs - including my wedding dress..... I haven't had alot of time off work so perusing the internet looking for cute things I think I need. So I thought I would share some of my wedding projects - no sneak peeks of the dress though - forget it! And I'll give spoiler alerts for those of you that are coming that want everything to be a surprise.
This first one is no surprise though - it's the invitations. They went out a few months ago (wanted to give people lots of time to look at their $$) and the rsvps were due yesterday. We are still missing quite a few - but I gave myself lots of time for latecomers - I know I am one of those types. I'll send out a little email reminder next week.
In keeping with our destination wedding in Mexico and our love for Nacho libre it features a mexican wrestler! Woohoo! No flowers and curly qs for me.

I did it all in photoshop and illustrator. The final version was printed out on watercolor paper (I desperately wanted letterpress but could not afford it) at least the weight of the paper would be nice if not the print job. I had hoped to take it to printers to have it done but they wouldn't print on heavier paper so the Dictator and I spent an entire weekend feeding paper through the printer, cutting it to size, putting more ink in, repeat, Ang screws up, throw out 10 pages, buy more paper, buy more ink, repeat..... What a process... Once the pages were assembled (there was 6 in all double sided including hotel information etc) they were wrapped in tracing paper and tied with a little piece of hemp and a Mexican Milagro. I have no pictures of this. Oops.! I really should be documenting things better...