I AM still alive. This may surprise some of you.....
Right about the time of the last post I started working full time on the tv show once upon a time. I'm one of four buyer/assistant types. I love my job but apparently it leaves me exhausted. To exhausted to post on my neglected blog.
This Friday I was the last on at the office and by last one I don't just mean in my department. I mean on the whole show. doing my also neglected petty cash.
I've dubbed myself Snow Bright as one of my jobs is dressing the dwarves. I love them!!!! I would never wish to have seven children though as it is exhausting!!!! I can't imagine having to find clothes @for them 7 days a week.. (don't get me wrong - they aren't children, they are grown men and super sweet and easy to work with, there is just a lot of them)
Life is good though. As I said I love my job. I'm still super happily married to the wonderful dictator - 6,months!!!!! Minou and birdie are as goofy and loving as ever.
Now that i've remembered my password perhaps I'll try and do better over the coming weeks. Was going to add a photo but I'm on my iPad and apparently I can't do that... Poops!
Homemade Bridgerton Inspired Wedding
1 day ago