I'm done season 1 of
once upon a time. Happy for the break but sad to wait and see if we are all going to be back next year.... Got our wrap gift of a Granny's mug and am quite enjoying snuggly mornings with the pups and a green tea latte.

But don't let that fool you into thinking I'm going to be a better blogger! HAH! I'm starting on a feature this week - on set, even worse hours then before...
--- I'll take a brief second here to thank Mig aka Bashful and the lovely Marmot people for my new jacket.... Sadly and embarrassingly as a costumer I should have gone a size larger but that hasn't stopped me from wearing it. It will probably come in very useful this week when we are outside all day and night..... (I'm in denial about how big I actually am....)---

Hmmmm.. what have I been up to since the last time...
- I've managed to squeeze in a few sewing projects over the past few months. A new dress for the wrap party. No photos though - it was too dark in the restaurant. Which is probably good for most people - there was free drink tickets ;)
- Got to see the Darkness a few weeks ago - well month ago now.... IT WAS AMAZING. I have such a huge crush on Justin Hawkins and his curly mustache. We had to get tickets from a scalper as the show was sold out before I even found out about it. I was such a goofy nervous nelly about it but all was good! Hope they don't wait another 10 years to come back. I'm anxiously awaiting there new album....

- The dictator and I are totally into the tv show Damages right now. JUST starting season 2 so don't give us any spoilers... Noah Bean who plays David conner was on Once Upon a Time and is absolutely the nicest guy in person. Sad he is dead and we probably won't be seeing much of him in season 2 Damages. Patty Hewes is so EVIL!
- We've been cross country skiing alot UNTIL RECENTLY - golf season has started... I've lost my husband again to the small white ball. I'm hoping we can get out to Whistler one more time - there was 40cm of new snow in one night this week!!!!!
- it's almost stanley cup time again - GO CANUCKS! Can't beliee they lost to the useless flames last night - accidentally typed
lames - kind of the same thing.

The girls are both doing well... Minou is getting old and the vet wanted to pull her teeth two front teeth - I cried, such a horrible parent - but we had them cleaned and will see if they can last a little bit longer. There are some lovely ladies in town who will clean their teeth without putting them under.... Other then that nothing to exciting in their lives. We didn't sign up for agility after Xmas so they are terribly bored but it is at the WORST time - middle of Sunday afternoon.....

- We are headed back to Mexico in May and I am soooo looking forward to it... I will be ready for the break. This time I'm planning a trip to Xel-Ha - swimming with Dolphins!!! Hee hee!!! Bought an underwater camera to capture it all. CAN NOT WAIT.
That's all I can think of for now... I should stop procrastinating. I'm supposed to be exercising but I REALLY don't want to. I've put all the the pre wedding weight back on. YUCK. Stupid job where I have to eat out everyday.... Oh well....